So I will tell you another story of one of my "box" co-workers. Yes this means I have continued to look inside the "box" and on doing so I've realized something. The people inside the "box" are equally as strange and amusing, as the people outside of the "box." My story begins with an elderly man, aged 68. I shall call him R in this story. Here is a little background on R, and how he came to work in the "box." The position that he held at work was cut due to the company going over budget. They decided that since his position was cut they would be nice and give him a job elsewhere in the company. The manager of the store decided for whatever reason that he would do well in the "box." Which in all honestly he was horribly wrong. Instead of the regular two days of training that everyone else receives who comes to work in the "box." R received a full week and a half of training. Due to the fact that he couldn't figure out how to operate the system. But, lets get back to what is important in this story and that is R's ability to be a tremendous creep. After him working with me I slowly realized that R was an extremely creepy individual. He said things that NO 68 year old man should ever say. He made comments about how sexy young girls were that came to pay for gas. After talking to other people I worked with I began to realize that it was not only I that R disturbed. For the most part R really freaked out the women who work in the "box." One of the female workers was so offended by R that while she was training him she got up and left due to something offensive that R had said to her. Now with this older gentleman disturbing all of your employees and offending many as well. You would think that R would have been let go by now. But, his madness does not end here. Finally he was able to grasp the system enough to be left alone to work a shift. Well during his shift one of the ladies from inside the store went out to give him a break. Upon entering the "box" she noticed there was a bucket sitting in the corner. She walked over to the bucket and looked inside to see what it was. At this point R got a little jumpy and shuffled over to grab the bucket. But by that time she had already seen what was inside. R had been urinating inside the "box" into a bucket. He had urinated multiple times through out his shift and upon the bucket being found tried to deny that he had done so. Unfortunately for him there are cameras inside the "box" which the manager checked and saw him using this bucket as his own person toilet. The extremely upsetting thing about him urinating into a bucket is the fact that the "box" is surrounded by other stores. Inside everyone of these stores there is restroom that is open to public use. Also the bucket that he was urinating into happened to be a bucket that everyone who works in the "box" uses. At this point you would assume that R has been let go? This is not the case. He continues to work in the "box"
disturbing females and males alike.