Saturday, November 22, 2008

It is a sad day for men young and old

Today while in the box I came up with the clever idea of keeping track of the people who came up in utter confusion of how a gas pump operates. The study was broken down into four different fields. The first was the sex of the individual, male or female. The second was whether the male or female was a younger individual or someone in their later years. After my study I am sorry, but not surprised, to report that the male citizens of my little town, young and old, far outnumbered the females. The ratio I was able to come up with is a close 1-5. This means that for every one female who could not figure out how to work a gas pump there was five males. One of the more baffling things I discovered in my study was the fact that the younger men were dead equal with the older gentlemen I helped. When it came to females coming to ask for help the older women were more likely to not understand what to do. I feel that this is somewhat reasonable considering they have not been surrounded with technology their entire lives. This is not to say that a gas pump is the latest in new technological innovations, I promise you it is not. All that I am trying to say is that the female population of my town is far more intelligent than the male population.

Friday, November 21, 2008

It has come true, at least for now

I had a dream, I dreamt that one day the man in the box would no longer be seen as an enemy of the people. That the man in the box would no longer be seen as an evil box man. That the man in the box would not be seen as the evil man raising gas prices for my own benefit. A day when the man in the box would no longer be accused of stealing the fuel rewards of everyone who buys groceries. Alas this day has finally arrived and it is a beautiful thing. I am no longer the man who is yelled at relentlessly and accused for the high gas prices. Not since the prices have gone down have I been called a crook. In fact the opposite is now occuring. People cheerfully walk up to the window to pay for gas now. People are bragging that their H2 now only takes sixty dollars to fill up! Some people are so pleased with the low gas prices that some try to give me extra money--in all honesty this is not the case and it is due to the fact that many people are evidently unable to count--out of the goodness of their heart. Days are good for the man in the box currently. Unfortunately the man in the box knows better than to allow these happy days to shield my eyes from the truth. Once winter turns into spring and then spring turns into summer as always fuel prices will shoot up and the man in the box will once again be turned into the horrible person who raises the gas prices for his own profit. And with the summer price hikes the box upgrades I have been waiting for will finally become a reality.