Sunday, July 27, 2008

Maybe I should look into the "Box"

So the man in the "box" has told you of the stupid things that people do outside of the "box." But, what about the people who are inside the "box." The people just like myself, that's right my co-workers. I realize that everyone out there has co-workers and we all have those co-workers who make our days just that much better. But, I ask you, do you think the people you work with are the same as people who work in a "box?" In some aspects people I work with will remind you of your co-workers, but just remember, these people work in a "box." So lets start off with the best of all the game. I shall call him D, he is a portly older gentleman who is near the age of becoming senile. So, here a a few stories that you may enjoy. So, one day when I came to work to start my shift, D was working before I. When I walk into the "box" there is the usual jibber jabber between co-workers, which you usually want to end as quickly as possible. But, this day D told me something that somewhat shocked and disturbed me at the same time. As I walked into the box I noticed that there was a very large bowl sitting on the shelf. Which, didn't really surprise me seeing that D always brought a smorgasborg of food to work. Then D begins to tell me how he had packed a LARGE salad for his lunch. At this point I was asking myself "why do I care what you packed for lunch, the very thought of you eating disturbs me greatly." D continued anyways with his extremly interesting story of his lunch. D tells me how he had packed this LARGE salad but the unfortunate part of his lunch was that he forgot to pack a fork to eat the LARGE salad with. At this point I figured that D would wait and eat his lunch at home. But, this was not the case. D tells me how he had to eat his LARGE salad with his hands. So just picture a portly old gentleman sitting in a "box" eatting a salad like some ravenous beast man. And ask yourself what you would do if you saw something like this taking place as you came to pay for gas. Later at work I had to laugh. I couldn't figure out why my chair was having such a hard time rolling around. I then looked down to see that D during his eating frenzy had spilled bacon bits all over the ground. Check back for more stories about people in and outside of the "box."

Wednesday, July 9, 2008


Yet another story from the man in the box. I believe that you will enjoy this story better than the other two. This story takes place on a nice summer night with a full moon. I am doing my usual duties to close for the night and go home. Then it happens. A man walks up to the "Box" and says 'your sign says gas is $3.90'. And? I ask him. ' On the pump it says the price is $3.93.' I inform this nice fellow, in a very kind voice that our sign has broken so therefore it is telling the wrong price. But, even though the pump says $3.93 it is still cheaper to buy gas here than anywhere else. He gets a little bit upset and says 'YOUR dishonest, that is false advertisement.' Before I can say anything more he has walked away in a huff. I continue going about my business when someone request to pay at the window, this means that you pump then after pumping you come pay. I look and I notice it is the man who I was just talking to. So I approve the pump and he begins pumping. I continue to go about my business. I hear the pump click off. The pump clicks off and then I hear the squealing of tires as someone takes off. I look up and notice that the man who was pumping gas is no longer there. Yes I agree if the gas price is posted at a certain price you should honor that price and not be "dishonest." But, to come up and call me "dishonest" and then you go and steal gas. I don't know about you but I personally think he was the "dishonest" one and for what, three cents. This man obviously has no idea what honesty means.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

I'm not paying for that...

So this happened to me a couple weeks back while at work. An older woman who is probably in her late seventies comes up to the window to pay for her gas. She had pumped something like $11.50. She comes up to the window and says ' I think your pump is broken." Really? I ask. Being that the person before her had used it without any problems. I ask her what happens to be the problem? ' Well' she says, ' I only have five dollars and I shut the pump off at five but it kept pumping.' Ok? ' I'm not going to pay for the gas that I didn't want and that isn't in my car.' This is where I had to stop and ask her what she ment by the gas not being in her car. ' All of the gas that is over five dollars is on the ground, I pulled the nozle out and it wouldn't shut off.' This takes me a moment to grasp what she has just said, so there is like 2 gallons of gas on the ground outside. Which you don't intend to pay? She had claimed that the handle on the gas pump had gotten stuck and wouldn't shut off. I don't know about you but I was having a hard time beleiving her. She put the five dollars that she has in the drawer and says ' I have to get going and that is all the money I have with me.' So not only did this old lady spray gas all over the ground, which I had to go out and clean up and believe me cleaning up a gas spill is not fun work. But, the fact that she didn't say sorry and take the blame for what she had done made cleaning up her mess just that much better. To top this off I informed her that I would have to mark the fuel she didn't pay for as a theft. Which probably was not the best wording I could have choosen but at the time I didn't care. After I had cleaned up her mess of gasoline I went back in the "box". A moment later my manager called me and informed me that this old lady had come inside and complained. She said that I was going to call the cops on her for stealing gas.
So pretty much I got in trouble because some stupid person couldn't shut off a gas pump.

Monday, July 7, 2008

The cones are there for a reason....

At the place I am currently employed I am able see many strange and amusing things take place right before my eyes. Along with these strange and amusing things I get to see people make complete fools of themselves. So, I have decided that I would like to share with others the stupid things that people do and I get to deal with from day to day. Take for example yesterday morning while at work (I will not disclose the company name I work for just know I work in a Box and people pump gas around me.) The cities local power company shut down the power to the "Box" which also shut power off to the gas pumps around me. So being that people could not pump gas I thought it would be a good idea to put up the BIG ORANGE CONES on each pump. This went smoothly for a little while, with a few people coming to ask if the pumps weren't working, hmmmm. My BIG ORANGE CONE idea was working, most people were getting the hint. That is until a middle aged woman pulls up to a pump, mind you the cone was still there. She gets out and asks me if the pump is not working. So therefore I know that she saw my BIG ORANGE CONE. I sit there shocked that she has just run over the cone in front of the pump and then inform her that the pumps are not working right now. She gets into her and starts to drive. I notice that the BIG ORANGE CONE has not come out from under her car. Well apparently she also noticed, she stopped got out of her car saw the BIG ORANGE CONE and looked up. I was sitting in amazement. She yells to me " YOUR cone is stuck under my car come and get it out." I still sit in amazement. She stares at me and is dead serious about her request. So I do the only thing that I can do that would not get me fired. I crawl under her car and yank this BIG ORANGE CONE out from under her car (she was driving a Toyota Camery F.Y.I.). I don't mean to sound like an angry, disgruntled employee but please for the love of all that are holy if there is a BIG ORANGE CONE blocking something don't run it over. If you happen to run it over don't blame it on the person who set it up thanks. Check back for more stories from the Man in the Box Looking Outward.