Tuesday, July 8, 2008

I'm not paying for that...

So this happened to me a couple weeks back while at work. An older woman who is probably in her late seventies comes up to the window to pay for her gas. She had pumped something like $11.50. She comes up to the window and says ' I think your pump is broken." Really? I ask. Being that the person before her had used it without any problems. I ask her what happens to be the problem? ' Well' she says, ' I only have five dollars and I shut the pump off at five but it kept pumping.' Ok? ' I'm not going to pay for the gas that I didn't want and that isn't in my car.' This is where I had to stop and ask her what she ment by the gas not being in her car. ' All of the gas that is over five dollars is on the ground, I pulled the nozle out and it wouldn't shut off.' This takes me a moment to grasp what she has just said, so there is like 2 gallons of gas on the ground outside. Which you don't intend to pay? She had claimed that the handle on the gas pump had gotten stuck and wouldn't shut off. I don't know about you but I was having a hard time beleiving her. She put the five dollars that she has in the drawer and says ' I have to get going and that is all the money I have with me.' So not only did this old lady spray gas all over the ground, which I had to go out and clean up and believe me cleaning up a gas spill is not fun work. But, the fact that she didn't say sorry and take the blame for what she had done made cleaning up her mess just that much better. To top this off I informed her that I would have to mark the fuel she didn't pay for as a theft. Which probably was not the best wording I could have choosen but at the time I didn't care. After I had cleaned up her mess of gasoline I went back in the "box". A moment later my manager called me and informed me that this old lady had come inside and complained. She said that I was going to call the cops on her for stealing gas.
So pretty much I got in trouble because some stupid person couldn't shut off a gas pump.

1 comment:

shybs said...

This is classic. What impact does this woman's age have on her ridiculously selfish and dishonest behavior? Was she raised in the day and age that is you did not understand you could be compensated? I think those days are rapidly disappearing and good riddance because people like this old lady only make the world more costly and high maintenance for those of us who actually have a brain.
There are many points in time that the corporation has had to take the brunt of consumer stupidity.
We have all read the lawsuits. For example, the woman who won a suit against Winnebago because the instruction manual did not explain that you had to continue to operate the vehicle when it was on cruise control. This was after she got on the freeway, put on the cruise control and then went to the kitchen area to make a sandwich. However, the corporation does learn. Of course, Winnebago's instruction manual clearly explains the limitations of cruise control after this court battle.
Meanwhile, the rest of us have to pay more to afford a winnebago because the company has to make up the differences of paying for this woman's damages....
Hum...we really need to figure out how to get the stupid gene out of the genepool!